Real Estate Photography With Matterport Cameras: Tips for Virtual Listings

Proper Measure Real Estate Photography Services

The future of real estate is digital, with a surge in virtual MLS tours, and notably increased quality of real estate photography. In the age of no-contact, digital listings are the best way to advertise, attract buyers, and close sales even without your buyers’ ever stepping foot in the house. How? If you’d said 15 years ago that you could sell a listing without an open house, a walkthrough, and shaking hands with a buyer, you would be scoffed at. 

With today’s technology, anything is possible. With the release of Matterport cameras in 2011, the world of real estate photography was changed forever. Even in the middle of a global pandemic, real estate trends in Canada remained steady in 2020. It has been shown that listings that utilized 3D real estate photography and virtual tours were shown to get 87% more views

The Benefits of 3D Photography in Real Estate

Using 3D photography in real estate guarantees your listings more exposure and higher chances of listing sales. Let’s take a look at the factors and benefits that 3D photography and virtual tours can bring your listings: 

  • It allows you to capture a 360 view of your listings

With Matterport technology, you can highlight a complete 360-degree view of their potential dream listing. It’s important to choose judi slot online jackpot terbesar a quality and trusted real estate photography/videography company with a well-versed portfolio of listings to ensure your quality is impeccable. With 360-degree tours, you run the risk of blurry photos and video transitions unless your real estate marketing company has proven experience. 

  • Quality real estate photography provides clients with a 24/7 open house

As a realtor, your availability tends to be flexible for hosting open houses and providing prospective clients with walkthroughs. But imagine if you didn’t have to work Saturday mornings anymore. Imagine if you could simply send over a quick link to an open house tour they could view at their own convenience. You don’t have to imagine. With a virtual tour, your clients can enjoy the always-open house, simply by using Matterport for your real estate photography and videography. 

  • The ability to advertise a virtual reality without the VR hardware

Let’s admit, virtual reality technology is very cool. Nearly 11% of US adults own some type of virtual technology. When we stop to marvel at the technological advances of the last decade, it’s astounding how much our reality has changed – our in-person reality, and virtual reality. And the future of real estate photography and videography is creating that virtual reality in your listings.

The Always-Open House With Matterport

Enjoy the benefits of an immersive real estate listing with Matterport photography and videography. You set the stage, and let your buyers take the tours by control of the virtual tour literally at their fingertips. 

Floor Plans and Real Estate Photography 

Real estate photography floor plans

Two of the biggest benefits for increasing the value of your listings are providing detailed floor plans for each room and outdoor space, and quality photography for real estate listings. With the surge of technology and the Internet, it’s never been easier to advertise your listings online. Roughly 83% of online home buyers prefer visuals, and it’s best not to skimp on the quality of both your floor plans, and real estate photography. 

Floor Plan Drafting For Real Estate

Equally as important as the virtual tour technology is the ability to show potential buyers exact floor plans for each room of the home, the outdoors, and the measurements must be precise in a way that’s visually appealing, and makes sense to them. Our residential and commercial floor plans use on-site drafting in AutoCAD with precise measurements, vibrant colours, and fine landscape details. 

Tips For Your Virtual MLS Tour

The majority of potential buyers begin their search online for their real estate listings. To stand out, you need to think like a potential buyer. Where would they search for their listings? What would they want to be highlighted? How can you best show off the selling features of a listing? While we recently went in-depth with virtual tour tips, here are a few quick reminders on how to ensure your listings are performing to the best of their capability. 

  • Advertise your listing

The first step is knowing where to advertise. Have you ever considered using a single property website? Let your listings pop and stand out with single property websites, and advertise on your social media channels, or by direct outreach. For social media, consider video – real estate listings with video receive 403% more inquiries. That’s a staggering amount.

  • Highlight your listing’s best features

Find your listing’s selling point and start there. The Matterport 3D virtual real estate tours can be edited to start your tour video with the listing’s best features. Outdoor pool? Impeccable yard? Capture it, highlight it, and share it. While we can’t predict exactly what a buyer may be looking for in a home, we are by nature visual beings, and it’s easy to spot the features of a listing that are likely to be most appreciated. 

  • Set the stage

Or rather, stage the space. We compiled a thorough checklist of ways to prepare both your indoor and outdoor spaces before beginning the real estate photography tour. (Pro tip: store that excess clutter! Clutter is one of the largest deterrents to a potential buyer – and as much as we all love our pets, sometimes catching an animal in real estate photography can put off any potential buyers with pet allergies.)

Add Value To Your Real Estate Listings with Quality Photography

The statistics of real estate marketing show us that by adding a virtual tour to your listing, you increase the value of your listing’s effectiveness exponentially. The future of real estate is changing, but the market is showing no signs of slowing down. Make your listings stand out with cutting-edge technology, and enjoy all of the benefits of Matterport cameras 360-degree real estate photography. 


Our company has been in operations since 2007 and has become a leader in Canadian real estate marketing through our innovative technology and impeccable customer service built on long-lasting relationships with realtors across Canada. We have a proven track record of success when it comes to advertising your listings.

Let your listings sell themselves. Contact us today for a quote on your listing, and learn the difference a 3D Matterport tour can make.

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